Every day it’s a good feeling to open happiness that begins with us. In my recent post about “Open Happiness: Sinong napasaya mo today?”, I have mentioned the good effects and advantages of being happy. Now let me share to you the “Ways to a happier, healthier life”.
Ways to a happier, healthier life
• Eat well and live well. When we eat well we sustain our body with good nutrition and simply satisfy our hunger and thirst. With healthy lifestyle activities – regular exercises, good time management, and enough rest avoiding risky behaviors such as drinking alcohol to excess and regular overeating; we live well. These ways will surely promote a happier and healthier life.
• Think positive. Thinking always on the brighter side somehow makes us happy and worry-less. We can consider optimism here. If we have this perspective in life, a sense of hopefulness and enthusiasm will drive our path leading to more fruitful outcome.
• Having supportive family and friends. Supportive networks of family and friends may bring out the best in us that boosts our self-confidence to achieve something worthy in life.
These are some of the effective ways to a happier and healthier life. A happy life drives stress away and we can avoid diseases such as strokes, heart attacks, diabetes, and depression.
With Coca-Cola’s campaign “Sinong napasaya mo today?” this is indeed another way to happiness. When we drink Coke, there is an effect of feeling good which makes us happy.
Watch the Coca-cola Sinong napasaya mo today? campaign commercial below
Be part of Coca-cola’s campaign – Sinong Napasaya Mo Today? By tweeting #NapasayaKoToday your answer then mention @Coke_HappyPrez
How about you? Who will you make happy today? ( Sino Napasaya Mo Today?)
good tips here. eto gagamitin ko to make 2013 a good yrar for me.