My cute baby girl is turning nine months this 16th of September. Just like every parent as a mom I monitor her growth and development. It is very important to know her milestones of progress so I can keep track if she is growing up well at her age. I have mentioned in the Baby milestones of progress at seven and eight months if the progress of the baby is usual, beginning or ahead.
Baby Milestones of Progress at Nine (9) Months:
Your baby is usual if baby:
- Stands while holding into something
- combines syllables
- has object permanence
Your baby is beginning if baby:
- Cruises
- Drinks from a cup
- Eats with fingers
- Bangs objects together
Your baby is ahead if baby:
- Plays peek-a-boo
- says “mama” or “dada” to the correct parent
The picture above is my cute baby girl. At eight months, she eats with fingers, bangs objects together, plays peek-a-boo, and sometimes saying “mama” to me but most of the times she loves saying “papa”. I think I need to work on with that.
credit reference: Baby center Milestone chart 7 to 12 months
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