Giving birth was the most amazing experience that ever happened in my life and I felt so blessed when I saw my baby. As he cried for the first time, tears fell from my eyes. I can’t explain how wonderful I felt at that moment. My emotions were immeasurable.
During my first pregnancy, my family and I were so happy and excited. However, it also brought out a different side of me. I got scared. All check-ups seemed normal but we got alarmed when I approached my 37th week.
Every expectant mother undergoes different situations and conditions during pregnancy. So it happened. I didn’t expect that I will experience the risk of “Oligohydramnios”, a condition wherein the amniotic fluid was less than the normal values, which simply meant that I had to give birth via Caesarian section or C-section. It weakened my heart that my plan of giving birth through the natural method will not happen.
Hearing a mom’s struggling voice in the delivery room—which was just on the other side of the labor room—frightened me even more. I did my best for the trial labor but it didn’t turn out to be effective. So, we’ve decided to prepare for the C- section for baby’s safety and for my sake, too. I told myself that I have to be strong to overcome this stage of my life.
At the delivery room, my mind was floating in the wind, like I was in the clouds. After a few minutes, still with unopened eyes, I heard the doctor saying, “Congratulations! You gave birth to a cute baby boy!”, and finally I saw my baby. This was the first precious moment—to see and kiss my baby in the real world. Until now, I can remember how wonderful it felt to be a mom for the 1st time.
A baby’s 1st cry. A mom’s 1st smile. Their 1st bonding moment.

Mother carrying her baby in Fabella maternity ward
I am thankful that I was able to cherish that very special event in my life comfortably with my family in a good hospital. Although my plan of giving birth in a natural method didn’t take place, it was just as remarkable.
Every 1st is meant to be treasured. However, for families who have no other choice but just to make it through, these firsts often get left behind. This is how it is for the mothers and babies at Dr. Jose Fabella Memorial Hospital.

Jose Fabella Memorial Hospital Entrance
Fabella is popularly known as the busiest maternity hospital in the country with an average of 55 babies born in a day (Based on the 2012 NICU Annual Census) —earning it the moniker “baby factory”. Each day, hundreds of families flock at Fabella to avail the low-cost maternal care. Most of the families who come here are those who cannot afford premium hospitalization. The hospital also caters to premature and high-risk babies.
I know how difficult it is when you have a high-risk baby. I had a terrible experience with pre-term labor contractions when I was in my 31st week of gestation with my second baby. I was confined in MCU Hospital for a week so I could get a complete bed rest to prevent me from having a premature baby. I felt so emotional during that time. To stop the pre-term labor, expectant moms should be stress-free, relaxed, and comfortable. Praise God! After a series of good tests results, my pre-term labor contractions had stopped. The good hospital facilities with the attentive doctors together with the caring nurses are a big help.
Imagine if you are in that situation.When an expectant mom is stressed, she will need extra support, love, and care. Most importantly, she needs a convenient place with good facilities so that both she and her baby can relax and avoid delivery risks.
As a mom of two, I believe that expectant moms share the same struggles and sentiments – to give the best for their babies, regardless of age, race, or status in life.
Based on what I’ve seen on TV about Fabella Hospital, I think they are facing many challenges to provide better facilities to accommodate the volume of maternity patients every day.

Hallway leading to OR and DR complex
Let’s begin in the welcome area. The absence of chairs in the welcome area at Fabella is the least of priorities.You can visualize that this is where the families of the patients wait. In the picture above, you can notice that they bring their packed bags and other things they need which are just placed on the floor.

Breastfeeding Station in Fabella Hospital
In the breastfeeding station, about 10 to 15 mothers cram together on the tiny, thin-foamed wooden benches. The breastfeeding station should be kept in good ambience to help give nursing moms a more conducive environment for better breast milk secretion for their babies. Based on my experience, I must say that it is very hard for a first-time mom to breastfeed her baby. Breastfeeding moms need a more private and comfortable place.

Mother and babies in Fabella Maternity Ward
Ventilation is limited inside the recovery wards, which swelter in the midday heat. Sharing a bed with two others for babies and their moms seems to be an ordinary situation in the hospital. To avoid other risks and for the faster recovery of maternity patients, this area should be well-ventilated.

Babies at the NICU in Fabella sharing bassinet
In the photo above, you can see the condition of the babies sharing a bassinet. As a mom, I worry for their health and condition. Also, the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit lacks proper facilities such as storage cabinets or hygienic wash areas. These needs should be addressed to maintain cleanliness and prevent germs from spreading for the safest protection.

Mother and baby in Fabella Hospital
Life is so precious. Giving birth is one of the toughest stages in a life of a mother. She has to be strong no matter what for her baby.
Despite all of these, Fabella remains to be a beacon of hope as it continues to provide low-cost maternity care services. Keen as the hospital is in providing the best that it can for its patients, Fabella urgently needs help—because these babies and their mothers deserve nothing less than better, happier, and brighter experiences.
Caring Beyond Skincare
Good thing that this 2013, NIVEA BABY takes the 1st Step to Caring Beyond Skincare through the renovation of the maternity wing of Dr. Jose Fabella Memorial Hospital. Numerous patient moms and babies of Fabella will surely benefit from this significant project.
NIVEA BABY aims to make the experience of every mommy and Fabella-born baby much brighter by improving the Welcome Area, Breastfeeding Station, Intermediate Area, Maternity Wards, and most especially the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit.
As a mommy blogger partner, I am very grateful that they have chosen me to be part of this meaningful project. With NIVEA BABY’s aim to provide mildest protection for babies, they are now caring beyond skincare by renovating Fabella’s maternity wing. It certainly shows how caring, dedicated, and munificent they are in this thrust. Let us support and take part in this journey as I take you through the progress of the project.
A video for this NIVEA BABY project – “A Bright Experience, Let’s Begin.”
Learn more and join the #CaringBeyondSkincare Movement by visiting NIVEABABY Philippines facebook page.
it is really very painful to give birth, i felt bones crackling inside upon delivery, yet the joy of seeing my son is immeasurable 🙂 – Notepad corner
Hi Mommy Joy, So true. I hope you can Join us in spreading the good news about the renovation project for the maternity wing in Fabella led by NIVEA BABY.
kudos to Nivea for starting up a project like this!
Thank you. This is truly meaningful. 🙂
Keep us updated on this project ha 🙂
Will do Mommy Pehpot 🙂
What a nice project by Nivea Baby. 🙂 and I do hope that more hospitals get help like this because there are a lot of hospitals nationwide that need this sort of help..
Life According to Me
Hi Anne,
Yes. This is just the beginning of the project and I am hoping that many will support the project. 🙂
What a noteworthy project! It’s good to hear that there are organizations/campaigns like this one from Nivea Baby that aim to make the lives of our unfortunate brethren better.
Hi Tetcha, Yes, the renovation project for the maternity wing in Fabella is truly meaningful. I am so glad.
Hi Sis Jem, I gave birth twice and the experience was overwhelming and very painful. I am glad that Nivea started this project and I hope they can reach far-flung municipalities too 🙂
Hi Zoan, The renovation project in the maternity wing of Fabella by NIVEA BABY is just the beginning of helping and reaching out. We hope that more people will continue to support this wonderful project.
Good to know that there are organizations/companies who put so much effort in helping hospitals like Fabella.
Helping hospitals particularly for maternity patients is truly something worthy.
As a mom of 3, I also have 3 different experiences with pregnancy and giving birth. One thing is for sure, seeing and holding them for the first time, my heart melts talaga.
2 thumbs up to Nivea baby for initiating a great project!
Hi Jo-anne,
Seeing your baby for the first time is truly remarkable :).
Hi Jem,
Thank you for making this first step!
So thankful to NIVEA BABY for this project.
Babies are really miracles and just seeing them relieves the hardships of carrying them especially for moms.
Yes, that is why the feeling is undescribable and amazing.
First of all, congratulation to you and to your son 🙂 I'm happy to see you both alright 🙂 I don't know about the pain causes by birth but I'm pretty sure it will be amazing to hold my babe 🙂
Hi Andrea,
Thank you. Holding your baby – I so love that part 🙂
Not a mommy but this post touched me. This reminded me of the time when I handled the “infants class” in UP Diliman’s CDC as part of my OJT in college. I really enjoyed taking care of babies. Seeing babies and taking care of them aren’t easy. But seeing babies happy, laughing, and smiling is all worth it. It was good to see how Fabella hospital and Nivea worked together to make a better and a more loving environment for the babies. Nakak inspire naman. hehe. Like like!
Hi Kai,
Thank you. I am so touched by this renovation project by NIVEA BABY. When we visited Fabella last week, my heart felt happier because as we spoke to different Fabella moms there and other hospital staff, they are very excited and thankful for the renovation in Fabella maternity wing.
I am a mom of two and both through C-section since I have a small “sipitsipitan” and to be honest the feeling is really overwhelming and different for both. Also, I’ve heard a lot about the saddened condition of patients in Fabella Hospital and I am so glad to hear that Nivea is going to have a project that will surely change the patients condition.
Hi Angie, We’re the same been through with C-section. I believe that the project will bring bigger and brighter experiences for Fabella moms and babies.
Fabella is a legendary hospital for all medical professionals in our country but I have never been in there myself. Thanks for letting me have a peek inside.
Hi Fred,
I am honored to be part of NIVEA BABY mommy blogger partners with these beautiful and wonderful project for Fabella.
This is a very good, organized and neat documentation, especially helpful for expecting moms. Hai I think when the time comes and I have to experience this as well for the first time, I would be panicking! Haha.
A mother will never forget the birth of her every child.
Truly remarkable and it is the start of being strong for your family.
I don’t mind how painful to give birth. I just pray that I will experience it one day.
Yup, my sister too is waiting for her to get pregnant and I think every woman would love to, the experience is truly wonderful.
I've always known Fabella as a place where most Moms give birth. My tito works there and he says there was never a dull time because andami talagang nanganganak. Pero no choice ang marami because it is the cheapest public hospital ata. Congratulations for having a baby boy! Every child born is such a blessing!
SO true no dull moment. When we visited Fabella, due to high volume of maternity patients in the ward sometimes there is a traffic in the walking area of the ard.
Such a big move by Nivea Baby in Fabella. Just hoping that they will do it here in Davao.
HI Claire,
As a Nivea Baby mommy blogger partner, we so glad to see this big help for Fabella and we hope also that they will continue such outreach program in other areas that needs help.
I’ve been to Fabella Hospital when I accompanied a friend who gave birth there and the place was not really nice. I can’t blame the Moms who give birth in Fabella as it is the most affordable maternity hospital. I am glad to know that Nivea Baby has this renovation project. It would really help a lot of Moms and babies too. Giving birth is the loveliest thing that could ever happen to a Mom and Nivea Baby could make it even more lovelier.
Hi Mommy Rossel,
I like to what you describe as loveliest thing that could ever happen to a mom in giving birth that is why we believe that every first should be special 🙂
Wow! It is a good thing that Nivea come up with a helping hand for Fabella hospital.The institution just really need improvements.
Yes improvements that would help hundred of moms and babies for Fabella.
giving birth is also one of the most profound experience i’ve ever had in my life. i was also surprise at how i was able to maintain my cool even when my OB told me that i had to go an emergency C-section as my amniotic fluid is running out and the baby has no sign of coming out after 12 hours after my water bag broke…
Fabella Hospital is a haven for moms + their new-born children, hopefully the government can allot a bigger budget in improving its facilities and making it a top-quality hospital accessible even to those who are in the grassroots level.
According to the staff of Fabella when we visited there a few weeks ago, there are many private companies and agencies that provides some help especially this coming Christmas season.
Thanks to Nivea for having this project. It’s high time to have improvements in Fabella. I have heard many stories about the hospital and it seems it really does need improvements.
Gave birth 3 times and each is a different experience…seeing three lives grow up – differently and being given the privilege of such inheritance is yet another story…