Choosing your college course is very significant. It will be a good foundation of your career in the future. Although some people say that their course in college education is not related to their career after graduation, I still believe that a student should be guided on what course to prefer for a more successful career path. As a mom, as early as possible, I wanted to be updated with the latest in education system in our country.
CHED Priority Courses for Academic Year 2014-2015 to Academic Year 2017-2018
CHED Priority Courses |
Allocation |
1. Information and Technology |
10% |
Multimedia | |
Animation | |
Programming | |
Computer Science | |
Information System Management | |
Bachelor in Library Science & Information System Major in System Analysis | |
2. Agriculture and Related Fields |
15% |
Agro-Forestry | |
Veterinary Medicine | |
Agricultural Engineering | |
Agribusiness/Management | |
Agricultural Technology | |
Agriculture | |
Fisheries | |
BS Food Technology | |
Agricultural Economics | |
3. Teacher Education Major in Math |
10% |
Math | |
Science | |
Physics | |
Chemistry | |
Reading | |
English | |
Educational Media/ Technology | |
Special Education (SPED) | |
Human Kinetics | |
Physical Education and Sports Science | |
Bachelor of Physical Education major in School PE | |
Early childhood Education | |
Environmental Planning (for teachers) | |
Music Education | |
Art Education | |
Health Education | |
4. Science and Math |
13% |
BS Math | |
BS Physics | |
BS Biology | |
BS Chemistry | |
BS Marine Biology/ Science | |
BS Applied Physics | |
BS Geology | |
BS Earth Science | |
BS Applied Mathematics | |
BS Statistics/ Applied Statistics | |
Atmospheric Science | |
Environmental Science | |
5. Engineering |
15% |
Mechanical | |
Electronics | |
Communication | |
Metallurgical/ Mining | |
Computer | |
Biomedical | |
Chemical | |
Geodetic | |
Electrical | |
Meteorological | |
Mining | |
Geological | |
Sanitary Engineering | |
Chemical Engineering | |
Industrial Engineering | |
Civil Engineering | |
Electronics and Communication Engineering | |
Petroleum Engineering | |
Bio Chemical Engineering | |
6. Health Sciences |
10% |
Pharmacy | |
Radiology Technology | |
Medical Technology | |
Physical Therapy | |
BS Nutrition | |
7. Arts and Humanities |
5% |
Creative and Performing Arts | |
BS Religious Education | |
BS Philosophy | |
BS Theology | |
8. Social and Behavioral Sciences |
5% |
BS Psychology | |
BS Social Work | |
Human Development | |
Guidance and Counselling | |
9. Business Administration and related courses |
5% |
Bs Accountancy | |
Business Data Outsourcing | |
Business Process Outsourcing | |
Construction Management | |
Tourism | |
10. Architecture |
5% |
BS Architecture | |
Landscape Architecture | |
Interior Design | |
Environmental Planning | |
Fine Arts | |
Urban Planning | |
11. Maritime |
2% |
BS Marine Transportation | |
12. Communication |
2% |
BA Communication | |
BA Journalism | |
BA Broadcasting | |
BS Development Communication | |
13. Others (to be determined by the Region) |
3% |
The list above are CHED memorandum order no. 01 series of 2014 to CHED central office/ Regional Office Directors/ Officers-in-charge with subject CHED priotity courses for AY 2014-2015 to AY 2017-2018. These are the results of the inter agency meetings held on September 30, 2013 and October 24, 2013 with representatives from Department of Labor and Employment (DOLE), National Economic and Development Authority (NEDA), Philippine Assocication of State Universities and Colleges (PASUC), Philippines Association of Colleges and Universities (PACU) and in view of the Commission en Banc Resolution no. 872-2013 dated December 4, 2013. Qualified beneficiaries of CHED Student Financial Assistance Programs shall be directed to enroll in the CHED priority courses.
Laila Ubando says
hanggang kailan po ung submission
Nepp Limpahan says