Our family is a team! From decision-making to parenting, my husband and I support each other. The presence of the parents in every milestone and experience of their child is advantageous in molding him with love and guidance.

My family- Mommy Jem, Daddy A, Mirai, & Jelvin
My view of progressive parenting is to nurture my children through positive ways so that my husband and I can raise them holistically and well-roundedly. That includes constant improvement for better parenting. We also adjust our parenting styles in dealing with our modern society. Having two kids, a 7-year old son and a 3-year old daughter, let me share the “ways we do teamwork with our kids”.
The bonding or teamwork activity that we do together leads us to discover new worlds and create unique experiences. I think this is a lasting happy childhood memory that is good for our children’s character building. It will ground and anchor them, making them smarter, more secure, and more confident.
The ways we do as Parent Teamwork with our kids
- Spending quality time includes eating, singing, dancing, and playing together as a family. We make sure that we eat together during breakfast or dinner time. We sing together using the Karaoke or use our smart phone with ‘The Voice’ App in singing new songs for relaxation. We imitate the dance moves from the ‘Just Dance’ in youtube or in Wii. We play hide-and-seek, bike together, do outdoor activities, and spend time with them at the playground.
- Instilling the use of polite words and actions. With our three-year-old daughter, we always use polite words when we talk to her or with friends. We teach her and his brother to love and support one another most especially in times when we are not around.
- Introducing my children to other kids and l let them play happily. Hubby and I show them how to be nice to friends and show good gestures with friends. We teach them to share and wait for their turn.
- Providing toys that are good for their cognitive development. Some of the toys that are good for cognitive development are stacking cups, brick toys, and doodle toys.
- Instill discipline. We teach them cause and effect, what may happen if they act or do something that may hurt or harm them or the people around them.
- We show our affection by hugging and kissing them. We give rewards and praises whenever our kids completed a task, and accomplished a great work. When there is a need for realization, sometimes we set a time-out for our child.
We continuously provide them different healthy foods and drinks. We offer several healthy food choices for them. For our 3 year old daughter, we introduce healthy foods one at a time. Drinking milk is also part of her daily nutrition. For our young kids, it is good to consider a milk brand that is not only providing good nutrition, but is also a pro-digestion milk formula. This is what we can expect from Friso Four. It uses LockNutri, a way of preserving the natural structure of protein, making it easy to digest for kids. With these advantages, our children get the full nutritive value of milk, and allow us to experience more together.

Where to buy Friso Milk?
Find Friso Four at selected Mercury Drugstores in GMA, Luzon, and Cebu.
Visit them on FB: https://www.facebook.com/FrisoPhilippines/
And their website: https://friso.com.ph/
As a progressive mom, we should always guide our children, be supportive and nurturing for them so that they can become productive adults and better citizens one day.
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