My son is a two-year old toddler and I must agree with what experts say that this stage is the toughest. I witnessed how my niece and nephew grew at this stage and now my son. At two years old, toddler’s mood swings. I have observed that at this stage he is struggling to get a hold of his impulses, actions and feelings.
Things to expect of your 2 year-old toddler and my experiences with my toddler:
- Get easily frustrated. My experience – my son immediately cries when he don’t get what he wants.
- Affectionate that they hugs and kisses people. My experience – my son would call, hugs and kisses her grandparents, aunt or cousins showing he missed them.
- Likes to imitate parents – My experience – Usually I tell my son “I love you!”. When we were bonded, my son would always say “I love you Mommy!” That is so sweet and relaxing to hear.
- Plays alongside others more than with them – My experience – When he started to play he wanted to play longer times. He can play alone but I observe that he is happier when he is with his cousins especially a boy.
- Insists on trying to do several tasks without help. My experience – I have observed that when my son is reaching something he wanted it on his own and do certain ways to get it.
- Enjoy Simple make-believe activities like talking on the phone and putting on hats. My experience – My son is now fond of role-playing with his toys. He would make some stories about each character of his toys then put some actions and feelings while he role play.
- Very possessive that he offers toys to other kids but then wants them back. My experience – My son is super possessive that he did not want any of his toys to be touch or played with other kids. It is like he will share the toys in one condition.
- Acts shy around strangers. – My experience – My son is not really shy but it depends on the strangers. I think if he didn’t like the stranger lets say the stranger is too big and fat, he will encourage me to leave the place. I think he imagine that the stranger might hurt him because he is too big.
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[…] my old post, I have shared about “What to expect of your two-year-old toddler’s feeling?“, now let me share about “The Three-year-old toddler learning”. My motherhood […]