The best reusable and removable multipurpose adhesive that I used on the wall is the Tack-it Faber-Castell Removable Adhesive. If you are a person who loves to stick posters, designs, art crafts or just wanted to put anything on the wall but afraid that it could damage the wall paints when you use adhesive then this is a very good solution.

Tack-it Faber-Castell Removable Adhesive
Normally, I would use this Tack-it Faber-Castell Removable Adhesive when I stick educational posters and papers on the wall. I found this very helpful as a multipurpose adhesive because you don’t have to drill to install a poster holder. This is very easy to use and keep.
How to use the Tack-it Faber-Castell Removable Adhesive?
- Ensure that surface is dry, clean, and free from dust. Tear off amount from the ready-made square cut.
- Knead the Tack-it.
- Place between surfaces to stick.
- Press hard until it sticks onto the surface.
See! It is quick and easy. To remove Tack-it, simply roll it off the surface. any remaining pieces can be removed by dabbing ball of TACK-IT over the area. I tried to remove and reuse it again, it still stick even if I reuse it. What I like most is that Tack-it Faber-Castell Removable Adhesive didn’t damage my wall paints even if I remove it from the wall. It works well with clean and smooth surface be it cement or wood.
What to avoid in using the Tack-it Faber-CaStell Removable Adhesive?
Avoid using TACK-IT on silkscreen, printed or hand stencilled wallpaper or absorbent and loose surfaces. The oil residue on some surfaces may sometimes be removed by a lighter fuel. If the object to stick is too heavy do not use this. The amount of TACK-IT to use depends on the object or poster to stick.
On the photo above, I already used TACK-IT Faber-Castell in sticking the posters and the string. This Faber-Castell TACK-IT multipurpose adhesive is available is leading bookstores and office supplies store. I bought mine at National bookstore and it cost P56.75.
What branch of national bookstore did you buy it? Reply asap thanks!