“How much will my toddler grow?” This is the question that most moms want to learn about their toddler growth. At this stage, his rate of growth will continue to slow down. This is also the stage wherein he will start to lose the appearance of a baby. He’ll gain an average of 4 to 6 pounds a year and grow an average of 1/4 to 1/2 inch every month. Bear in mind that all children grow at different areas, although your child’s growth progress can be accelerated with the right support and superior nutrition.
source: The American Academy of Pediatrics, caring for your baby and young child.
Filipino toddler cute smiling face
Sometimes I am worried about my 33 month-old son because he is not fond of eating rice meals as what I have shared with my experience on my previous post a few days ago “Pediasure Plus Toddler’s milk review”. I feel worried when he refuses to eat. He loves sweets but I tried to control his exposure to those kinds of food. There are times that I just can’t control it because of his grandparents offer. I think because of that he easily dislikes the food especially when it is not sweet. Although he ate soup, fish, beef, fruits and vegetables in small portion I hope one day he will eat more rice meals in appropriate servings. I am still working on it and I tried various ways to keep him healthy. My child is not as big as other toddler at his age but I am so thankful that my little boy is good looking and a bright toddler.
As of May 2013, my son is already four years old and he is now drinking AQIVA milk to help him cope with diet shift.
Worried about your child growth? I found a child growth chart calculator at baby center that may help you determine your child growth. You may use it as a guide but you should not depend on it fully because as what I have said in the first paragraph children grow in different areas and have different progress as well.
such a cute smile your child has 🙂 precious picture 🙂
Mom-ME time linky is up, please join this fun meme. Youll meet other mom’s there 🙂
Thanks. I wish to find more time to join the meme. 🙂