Are you still searching for study tips or ways of how your child can effectively learn while at home? Honestly, it is not that easy to teach a child. This is why I keep on trying and searching for effective ways I could teach or review my child at home. Teaching and reviewing our child is a challenge to every parent. If our child get low grades, of course we are unhappy. When we look back, we realize that we miss something or we were not able to help our child in his studies. Let me share the “study tips for effective learning” that I personally experience with my child.
My son is a grade 1 student enrolled in a traditional school when I published this post.
Study Tips for Effective Learning
- Summarize the lessons for every chapter and write it in a bond paper. For every chapter, I found it very easy to review my child by writing that most important words in bond paper. I use color pens to highlight important words.
- Attach a clothes string on the study area or at the place where your child normally stays. Hang the reviewers or summary of the lesson on the string using a clothes peg. Since my son and I normally stays inside the bedroom, I attached the clothes string on the wall of our bedroom. This is very effective because he would look and read on the wall every time he is in that area- the best among study tips for effective learning. I also shared about it on my post “memory improvement techniques for children” If you don’t want to drill for the hooks of the string, you can use Glue Tack Faber Castell. It is removable, reusable, and clean on the wall. Actually, I used this method when I was in college and found it very very effective!
- After teaching or reviewing your son, find a way to incorporate his lessons in your daily activities. A very good example that I did with my grade 1 son in the subject Sibika for “Beautiful Places in the Philippines” are the places that we visit and soon-to-visit. We reminisce to the places that we’ve been and tell him more stories about it. Now, I am considering travelling to different places with kids is a very good adventure.
- Read with your child and listen while he reads. Doing this gives us a perfect bonding moment and he is not the one learning, me too 🙂 .
- Give him a reward after a complete study. Giving a reward should not be extravagant or expensive, it could be a surprise gummy candy or a healthy delicious fruit that you do not normally eat.
- Always set your child in a good mood before studying. Children are moody. Before we start the study or review, I make sure that he just ate his meal, let him play for a while, and have a good talk about his interests.
Doing these Study Tips for Effective Learning with my son helps him to get good grades and better understanding of the lessons that they are studying in school. Most importantly, we have a wonderful bonding together which is very precious to me as a mom.
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